Ruby Chen

OpenAI Brand

Graphic & Experential

OpenAI Exec Summit

Event Series 2024

Colors in Layers

Taiwan Design Expo 2023

Chen Prints

Illustrated Risograph

© 2024

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The Exec Summit was an exclusive event series that took place in San Francisco, New York, and London, three key markets for OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise and API tools. As lead designer, I defined the art direction and expanded the design system across all print and digital touchpoints in partnership with a creative team at Buck.  

The event hosted 500+ C-suite and executive audiences globally, and unlocked new enterprise deals & renewals for over 30 customer companies. Reach out for more details & results. 

Event Brand Guidelines - excerpts, Mar 2024
Art direction, OpenAI Exec Summit

Stage motion graphics
Art direction & execution

Print collateral
Art direction & execution

Handmade foil letterpress notebook - keepsakes
Design & execution

Keynote slide designs for leadership
Art direction, design & execution
